4 Ways to Control Your Bladder When There’s No Bathroom

4 Ways to Control Your Bladder When There’s No Bathroom

1. Pass gas if you have to.

A buildup of gas in your intestines can place additional pressure on your bladder. Alleviating this pressure by passing gas may make you feel more comfortable and allow you to hold in urine for longer.

2. Reposition your body: sit upright but relaxed.

The way you position your body can help you tighten the muscles around your bladder and make you feel like “holding it in” is a possibility. Don’t slouch and sit up straight to relieve some pressure on the bladder. This may reduce the urge of having to pee.

3. Stay warm.

When you’re cold, your body will react to the drop in temperature. One of the consequences is that more pee will be produced. So when you already have the urge to pee, cover yourself up with blankets or turn up the heat.

4. Lie down.

According to this study, the pressure on your bladder drops progressively when lying down compared to a vertical position. When standing up, you will use your abdominals to hold your posture and the weight of the pee will also press on the bladder.

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