3 Hacks to Save You From Awkward Situations All of Us Have Been In

3 Hacks to Save You From Awkward Situations All of Us Have Been In

What do you think of when you hear “awkward situation?” Is it something like this? But awkwardness is not only a long pause in an uncomfortable dialogue or an inappropriate laugh. Many of us know that an unpleasant surprise can happen at any moment and sometimes it’s even worse than we could imagine!
We never know if our heel will break while crossing the street or whether our lunch will end up on our blouse. But the good news is that there are things you can do to ensure that you’ll stay calm and collected during difficult situations.

Fresh breath

If you need to refresh your breath quickly and there is no toothbrush at hand, you can chew coffee beans. It will remove the unpleasant odor and its solid texture will help clean the tongue from plaque, which contains a lot of bacteria.

Leggings trouble

If leggings emphasize your figure’s flaws, there’s still a way to wear them. Take old pantyhose and cut them so that they turn into shorts. Wear them underneath the leggings to make your tights appear more toned.

Potatoes against sweat stains

You can use potatoes to reduce the risk of sweat stains under the armpits. Cut fresh potatoes and wipe under your arms. Wait until it soaks in and then wash the skin with water.

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