How to Cook Tasty Bar b q chops
Bar b q chops. Invierte con un pequeño capital, disfruta tu gestor de cuenta para obtener ingresos extra. This is a great and easy way to add flavor to pork chops, and it is always a hit at family gatherings. Just take a few minutes to make the marinade and let it sit for several hours.
Brush a liberal amount of barbecue sauce on the chop and flip. Marinade Lamb Chops in remaining ingredients for an hour or two. Served with a Caesar salad and some steamed broccoli or asparagus is great. You can cook Bar b q chops using 0 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Bar b q chops
In a small bowl, mix remaining ingredients; pour over chops. Freeze option: Place pork chops in freezer containers; top with sauce. To use, partially thaw in refrigerator overnight. Arrange the pork chops in a single layer in the foil-lined pan and scatter the onion slices over the chops.
Bar b q chops instructions
- SAB SAY pehlay CHOPS ko garlic k sath half boil karlain phir paani change (issay baaz logon ko jo smel mehsoos hoti hai mutton m wo nahi hogi) kaark saray ingredients ko add kaark phirr say marinate karain or maasale k sath CHOPS ko acha dry karlain is k bad chahhaien tu stove paay bar b q karlain ya ovenn m baked karlain ya bar b q karlain. Ya is k bad egg or bread crumbs laaga k ap fry b karsakty hain Mene stove pay bar b q kia ta end main lemon or chat masala sprinkle kar k.
- Serve karain chattni sauce ya raita k sath.
To make the barbecue sauce, whisk together all of the ingredients in a bowl until thoroughly combined. Pour the sauce over the pork chops. Prepare charcoal grill for two zone cooking. Season with AP Seasoning and The BBQ Rub. Preheat the grill to medium heat and oil the grates.